I LOVE books like this. It's all an inner game.

Why You Should Read “Never Finished” by David Goggins

If you're looking for a motivational read, then you should check out Never Finished by David Goggins. This book is all about pushing yourself to your limits and never giving up. Goggins shares his own personal story of how he overcame great odds to become one of the most accomplished athletes in the world. If you're feeling down about your own progress, this book is sure to give you the boost you need to keep moving forward.

Goggins shares his experiences from climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to running one hundred marathons in a year, and he explains how to cultivate the necessary mental strength to strive for your goals. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and hard work, encouraging readers not to give up when faced with an obstacle. He speaks about setting intentions for yourself and finding ways to hold yourself accountable, whether it be through writing down your goals or telling other people about them.

Never Finished is packed with inspiring stories that will have you motivated after every chapter. Through Goggins' own journey, readers can learn valuable lessons about dedication and perseverance that can be applied to their own lives regardless of whatever pursuits they are working towards. Reading this book is sure to give you the inspiration and motivation needed to keep striving for your goals.  So why wait? Pick up a copy of Never Finished and let Goggins motivate you on the journey to success.

We all need inspiration along the way.

We are all never finished until our last breath.